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Aekburut Jumroonsiri
Sakdinaporn Nuntee
Orathai Jitthaisong


          The objectives of this research were as follows: 1. to study the current conditions, desirable conditions, and priority needs of zero waste school management guidelines for schools under the Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. 2. to develop waste-free school management guidelines of schools under the Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. 3. to evaluate the guidelines zero waste school management of schools under the Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The research is divided into 3 phases: Phase 1: Study of the current conditions, desirable conditions, and priority needs. The sample consisted of 377 people, comprising 86 school administrators and 291 teachers, drawn by using Krejcie & Morgan's sample size criteria and stratified random sampling from the size of educational institutions. (R.V.krejcie & D.W.Morgan,1986) The questionnaire was use for data collection, it was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire with a reliability value for the entire version equal to .99. Phase 2: Development of zero waste school management guidelines was divided into two steps as follows: Step 1: entailed in-depth interviews with three educational administrators by purposive selection, using a semi-structured interview. Step 2 was on a focus group discussion among 9 qualification as stakeholders and involved in the administration of a zero waste school. Phase 3: Evaluate guidelines for managing waste-free schools. Guidelines were evaluated by 5 experts. Quantitative data were analyzed by finding frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and the modified priority needs index. Qualitative data analysis by means of content analysis The research results found that 1. Overall, the current conditions of zero waste school management were at a high level (x̅ = 3.81, S.D. = 2.31 while the desirable condition of zero waste school management were at the highest level. (x̅ = 4.89, S.D. = 0.31) And the modified priority needs index for zero waste school management were as follows : (1) operation of zero waste school activities (PNI modified = 0.2960)
(2) the application of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy to promote environmental quality.
(3) participation process (4) Knowledge promotion and understanding of solid waste management (5) the achievement of zero waste schools , and (6) policy and operational plans. 2. The guidelines for zero waste school management consisted of six components: (1) Policy and operational plans consisted of 3 operational methods, 3 activities, and 10 methods of practice; (2) Knowledge promotion Understanding of solid waste management consisted of 3 operational methods, 5 activities, and 11 methods of practice; (3) Participation process consisted of 3 operational methods, 3 activities, and 9 methods of practice; (4) Operation of zero waste school activities consisted of 3 operational methods, 6 activities, and 9 methods of practice; (5) The application of the philosophy of Sufficiency Economy to promote environmental quality consisted of 3 operational methods, 4 activities, and 11 methods of practice; and (6) the achievement of waste-free schools. consisted of 3 operational methods, 3 activities, and 12 methods of practice. 3. The overall assessment level of the guidelines for zero waste school management guidelines by 5 experts was the highest level. (x̅ = 4.54, S.D. = 0.49) The order, from highest to lowest, is utility (x̅ = 4.68, S.D. = 0.48), followed by propriety (x̅ = 4.53, S.D. = 0.53), and feasibility (x̅ = 4.41, S.D. = 0.46).

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How to Cite
Jumroonsiri เ., Nuntee ศ., & Jitthaisong อ. (2024). GUIDELINES FOR MANAGEMENT OF ZERO WASTE SCHOOL UNDER LOEI PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 1. Integrated Social Science Journal, 4(10), 13-31.
Research Article


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