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The research article aimed to study the application of good governance in educational administrations. The study also pointed to promote guidelines for personnel management in schools. The decentralization of educational administration and management offered management capability directly to the educational institutes, whereas these primary institutions could be more flexible and independent. The study showed that by doing so, (decentralization) it created more potential and more efficient governance by these institutions in all departments. One area of benefit was the personnel management. In order to increase the effectiveness of educational management, school administrators, teachers, parents, and basic community institutional committees had to become more involved in human resource management to achieve these principles of good governance. The study showed that to guide the principles of good governance in primary schools 6 governing principles were needed to be applied: (1) the rule of law (2) morality (3) accountability (4) participation (5) responsibility (6) cost-effectiveness. Therefore, the administrators might provide an atmosphere of comfort and rewards to encourage high job performance as well as encouraging staff to further develop their knowledge and skills to assure a high quality of education.
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