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Phrakrupalad Chakkrapol Siritharo
Phramaha Paijit Uttamadhammo


               Apart from the social situation at present, there was a rapid change upon the influence of surroundings, and it made human beings get such mental troubles as stress, anxiety, alienation, solitariness, emptiness, oppression, etc. All mental troubles were totally called as suffering (Dukkha) in Buddhism. The development of human minds with Buddhist teachings was very important because it was worthy and it was able to make common persons the noble ones in the society. The development of human minds with Buddhist teachings was referred to what was called Buddhist psychology, the concept based upon the Buddha’s teachings such as the Four Noble Truths (Ariyasacca), the Dependent Origination (Paṭiccasamuppāda), and the Three Characteristics (Tilakkhaṇa). In addition, other Buddhist teachings were implemented in development of human minds as follows: 1) The principle of meditation (Kammaṭṭhāna) consisted of tranquility development (Samatha-kammaṭṭhāna), which was aimed to have the developer attain concentration or absorption of mind, and insight development (Vipassanā-kammaṭṭhāna), which was targeted to have the developer realize the reality of things without any doubt, and any attachment of defilement and suffering. 2) The contemplation of mind (Cittānupassanā), which was mindfulness as regards thoughts. It was claimed to give rise to wisdom and it was beneficial for self-awareness and self-development on conscience and thoughtfulness. 3) The four foundations of mindfulness (Satipaṭṭhāna) were referred to purification of human minds through unflagging endeavour, by which human wisdom was developed. The principle of development (Bhāvanā) comprised of physical development (Kāyabhāvanā), moral development (Sīlabhāvanā), mental development (Cittabhāvanā), and intellectual development (Paññābhāvanā).In fact, all the Buddhist teachings taken for development of human minds were proclaimed to lead the people to the reality of everything, to drive the people to hold their life in accordance with reality, to relieve suffering in human life and to lift up quality of human minds.

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How to Cite
Siritharo จ., & Uttamadhammo ไ. (2024). BUDDHISM AND MENTAL DEVELOPMENT. Integrated Social Science Journal, 4(10), 93-102. https://ojs.mbuslc.ac.th/index.php/issj/article/view/248
Academic Article


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