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Yachuravate Hongsiri
Chakgrit Podapol
Supannee Boonnak
Taweesak khraiboot
Prasong Hatsarin
Buddhivat Thavornsinsak


The objectives of this research were to (1) study the state of educational management to create innovations to promote Buddhist tourism strategies according to the Thailand 4.0, and (2) develop educational management models to create innovations to promote Buddhist tourism strategies according to the Thailand 4.0 for higher education institutions in Loei Province. There were 3 steps. First step, researchers studied the educational management. Second step, the researchers had developed the educational management model. Lastly, in step 3, the study evaluated the model. The researcher employed a combination of techniques quantitatively, it consisted of (1) evaluating the condition of educational management of lecturers and officers working at Mahamakut Buddhist University, Srilanchang Campus and Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Loei Sangha College in Loei province, 102 monks/person (2) assessing the draft educational management model by having 5 academic experts and (3) reviewing student satisfactions with organizing participatory academic service activities integrated with project-based teaching to create innovations to promote Buddhist tourism strategies, 22 students. Besides, an in-depth interview with 9 stakeholders and a group discussion with 15 experts were carried out in obtaining qualitative data. The research instruments included questionnaires, assessment forms, an in-depth interview and a group discussion.

The results of the research highlighted (1) The Environments of Educational Management to Create Innovations to Promote Buddhist Tourism Strategies According to The Thailand 4.0 for Higher Education Institutions in Loei Province. The survey research revealed several conditions of educational management to create innovations to promote Buddhist tourism strategies according to the Thailand 4.0 for higher education institutions in Loei Province overall resulted at high level. Presented through an in-depth interview, It was revealed that the problem was a lack of association between teaching and learning and the correlation between the administration plan and the institutions’ student affairs. Furthermore, the research planned of the institutions did not support tourism research, the institutions received a small amount of research funding. As a result, the institutions’ academic service plan did not cover the goal of developing innovative Buddhist tourism, thus most projects mostly focused on local festivals and traditions. Last of all, there was no certain plan for developing Buddhist tourism and no supporting fund for procedures. (2) The Model of Educational Management to Create Innovations to Promote Buddhist Tourism Strategies According to The Thailand 4.0 for Higher Education Institutions in Loei Province. It consisted of the name of the model: participatory academic service administration integrated with project-based teaching and learning to create innovations to promoted Buddhist tourism strategies and consisted of management schemes, processes, research objectives, and evaluation. An overview of the academic service management model integrated with project-based teaching and learning to create innovations to promote Buddhist tourism strategies showed that there was a high level of consistency when considering each component. The study discovered that in terms of processes and administration, the average level of consistency was at the highest level followed by, the component with the lowest average value which was the objectives. (3) The Experimentation with A Participatory Academic Service Administration Model Integrated with Project-Based Teaching to Create Innovation to Promote Buddhist Tourism Strategies. The process consisted of 2 steps: preparation and planning which the process comprised of 2 activities 1) the tradition of covering the pagoda, 2) improving the landscape around Phra Bang Mueang Loei. (4) The Satisfaction of the Experimental Group with the Learning Activities. In general, it was at a high level: when considering each aspect could be sorted from highest to lowest as follows; input factors for organizing activities, project results, quality according to objectives, contextual aspect of the project, and the aspect with the lowest average is the process (during the process of organizing activities.

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How to Cite
Hongsiri ย., Podapol จ., Boonnak ส., Khraiboot ท., Hatsarin ป. ., & Thavornsinsak พ. (2024). EDUCATION MANAGEMENT ACCORDING TO THAILAND 4.0 FOR SUPPORT BUDDHIST TOURISM STRATEGY BY CREATING INNOVATIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN LOEI PROVINCE. Integrated Social Science Journal, 4(10), 63-77.
Research Article


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