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The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the condition of academic administration of educational institution administrators in the Kokdu-Nakhaem Educational Quality Group under the Office of Loei Primary Educational Service Area 1; 2) to study the academic administration according to the Four Iddhipāda Dhamma of educational institution administrators in the Kokdu-Nakhaem Educational Quality Group; 3) to propose the guideline for academic administration according to the Four Iddhipāda Dhamma of educational institution administrators of the Kokdu-Nakhaem Educational Quality Group. This study was carried out by means of mixed-method research. The sample group consisted of 88 teachers in the Kokdu-Nakhaem Educational Quality Group. The tools used were a questionnaire and an interview form with five key informants. Statistics used to analyze data were: frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.
The research results were as follows: 1) The mean of the academic administration of educational institution administrators in the Kokdu-Nakhaem Educational Quality Group under the Office of Loei Primary Educational Service Area 1 was at the highest level in all studied aspects, sorted in descending orders: measurement and evaluation of learning outcomes, media development, innovation and technology in education, educational curriculum development, educational supervision and development of the learning process, respectively. 2) The mean of the academic administration according to the Four Iddhipāda Dhamma of educational institution administrators in the Kokdu-Nakhaem Educational Quality Group under the Office of Loei Primary Educational Service Area 1 was at the highest level in all studied aspects, sorted in descending orders: the administration based on Citta, the administration based on Vīmaṁsā, the administration based on Chanda and the administration based Viriya, respectively. 3) The guideline for academic administration according to the Four Iddhipāda Dhamma of educational institution administrators of the Kokdu-Nakhaem Educational Quality Group can be seen in four aspects: (1) the administration based on Chanda, educational institution administrators must be committed to performing academic work, knowing how to analyze, preparing curriculum for use in learning, and managing the learning process by focusing on the learner as the main focus. (2) The administration based on Viriya, educational institution administrators must be committed to conducting academic work with diligence, especially in the development of the educational institution's curriculum and the development of the learning process to effectively occur in the classroom, and encouraging teachers to prepare a learning assessment plan by emphasis on real assessments. (3) The administration based on Citta, educational institution administrators must concentrate on encouraging teachers to be dedicated and responsible for performing their main and supplementary duties with efficiency and effectiveness, developing students to learn at their full potential per the school curriculum, promoting academic planning for curriculum development and, organizing the learning process and the support tracking system. (3) The administration based on Vīmaṁsā, educational institution administrators must carefully consider the operation in terms of curriculum development of the educational institution whether it is consistent with the context and abilities of the learners or not, and review the learning management process system and the use of media and technology to benefit. They must have a planning meeting to review their performance based on the curriculum development and teaching practices of teachers to ensure efficiency and effectiveness on a continuous and consistent basis.
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