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The objectives of the academic article were to study the precepts in Kutadanda Sutta, and to study other Buddhist principles appeared in Kutadanta Sutta. The research was engaged in the documentary research methodology and the descriptive analysis. The study revealed that Kutadanta Sutta was focused on the change of view-points from the Brahman’s sacrifice to the Buddhist approaches, based on three bases of meritorious action (Punyakiriya-vatthu in Pali): meritorious actions accomplished from giving (Dana in Pali), precept observation (Sila in Pali), and mental development (Bhavana in Pali). In this sutta, a wide range of profound views on religions, especially precepts as fundamental procedures for good priests in the Buddha’s time, were also discussed. As said, the precept was the most controversial issue among different priests. In the sutta, three levels of precept, i.e. Culla-sila, Majjhima-sila and Maha-sila, were proclaimed during the earlier Buddha’s time. Of all levels of precept, Maha-sila was praised as the most beautiful and compatible with the Middle Way (Majjhima-patipada in Pali). In addition, more precepts of prohibition than those of permission were specially described as well. But for the Buddhist monks, there were some guidelines on precept observation as follows: (1) Culla-sila was regarded as the basic principles for newcomers or newly-ordained monks. (2) Majjhima-sila was counted as the standard rules for general monks, developing themselves. (3) Maha-sila was the supreme regulation for the one attaining the higher virtues. Therefore, the conceptual framework of precept in the sutta demonstrated the fundamental rules for Buddhist monks before abstention from killing (Panatipata Veramani in Pali) became a basic precept for common Buddhists. Killing was legislated as a precept because it was against the Brahmins’ traditional practice of sacrifice by killing animals. In conclusion, the concept of precepts (Sila) in Kutadanta Sutta demonstrated various values, and it was capable to be applied for the people’s daily life as the practical guidance for anyone willing to follow in the Buddha’s footsteps.
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บทความที่ได้รับการพิจารณาจากคณะกรรมการผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิและเผยแผ่ในวารสารฉบับนี้ เป็นทัศนคติและข้อคิดเห็นส่วนบุคคลของผู้เขียนแต่ละท่าน ไม่ถือว่าเป็นทัศนะคติและความรับผิดชอบ
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