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Saleewan Juttichot
Tippamas Sawetvoracho


               In the digital era, people in many parts of the world had used the internet, online media, and social networking sites to publicize news and information for business, education, and work. This was especially undeniable in situations where the COVID-19 pandemic had occurred making many various systems disrupted, and people had to work from their accommodations. In the educational institutions, the procedure of teaching and learning had been converted from the actual classroom (On-site) to online learning (Online). A number of people were turning to the internet to study and work. Social gatherings and meetings had decreased, on the other hand online meetings had increased. This changed the way people lived. Social media addiction occurred and suffered people as a result of how they are not able to live their real life and further frustrate with the world of internet. In the study, sufficiency economy was presented as the possible solution to solve the matter in which will be achieved by applying 3 Buddhist principles. There were three simple components of the sufficiency economy as follows: 1) Modesty, 2) Being Reasonable, 3) To have the immunity, whereas these three components could benefit people to a happy end in the digital age. Thus, many people spent a lot of time working or using electronic media for a long time, and if the user lacked of moral and ethical practice, it would cause problems for self, society and country.

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How to Cite
Juttichot ส., & Sawetvoracho ท. (2021). HOW TO LIVE HAPPY IN THE DIGITAL AGE. Integrated Social Science Journal, 1(3), 77-88.
Academic Article


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