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Supannee Boonnak


               The objectives of the research article were to study opinions of the personnel on the Quality Assurance Management of Mahamakut Buddhist University: Srilanchang Campus, Loei province, and to compare the opinions of the personnel on the Quality Assurance Management of Mahamakut Buddhist University: Srilanchang Campus, Loei province, classified by their status and educational level. The population of the research was a total of fifty-five lecturers and officials of Mahamakut Buddhist University: Srilanchang Campus.  The tool used for data collection was a five-point rating scale questionnaire. The statistics consisted of percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and one-way ANOVA.

               The results of the research revealed that the personal’s opinions on the Quality Assurance Management of Mahamakut Buddhist University: Srilanchang Campus, Loei province was found to be at high level. Separately considered in the descending order, the campus’ educational resources, the personnel’s understanding of quality assurance and the personnel’s participation in quality assurance were found to be at a high level, and the communication and the organizational culture were found to be at a moderate level, respectively. The comparison of the personnel’s opinions on the Quality Assurance Management of Mahamakut Buddhist University: Srilanchang Campus, Loei province,  classified by their status and educational level, was found indifferent.  

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How to Cite
Boonnak ส. (2021). QUALITY ASSURANCE MANAGEMENT OF MAHAMAKUT BUDDHIST UNIVERSITY: SRILANCHANG CAMPUS. Integrated Social Science Journal, 1(2), 57-66. https://ojs.mbuslc.ac.th/index.php/issj/article/view/32
Research Article


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