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Wenjie Peng
Juladis Khanthap


               The objectives of this research was to study the current conditions,desirable conditions, and the necessity of strategies for managing tutorial schools in Kunming, Yunnan Province, and to propose administration and strategies for managing tutorial schools in Kunming, Yunnan Province. The population used in this research consists of administrators and staff from 39 tutoring schools in Kunming, with purposive sampling from large tutoring schools, resulting in a sample size of 175 people. The research instrument used was a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire. The statistics used in this study include percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, PNIModified analysis, SWOT analysis, and TOWS Matrix.

               The study results revealed that: 1) The current and desirable conditions of strategies for managing tutorial schools in Kunming, Yunnan Province, are at a high level. The marketing promotion aspect had the highest average score, followed by the pricing aspect, and the product aspect ranked last. The PNI Modified analysis showed that the personnel aspect had the highest need, followed by the distribution channels aspect, and the marketing promotion aspect had the least need. 2) The proposed strategies for managing tutorial schools in Kunming, Yunnan Province, include having unique and distinctive course content, setting prices appropriate to the level of service, having classrooms of suitable size with internet access, communicating with parents and students to influence their attitudes and service usage behavior, and having staff to provide various information services to students.

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How to Cite
Peng เ., & Khanthap จ. (2024). STRATEGIES FOR MANAGING TUTORIAL SCHOOLS IN KUNMING, YUNNAN PROVINCE, CHINA . Integrated Social Science Journal, 4(11), 43-57.
Research Article


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