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Phra Rungrot Ratanavanno


               The objective of the academic article were to study the autobiography of Queen Pajāpati Gotami before and after her ordination in Duakkhiṇavibhaṅga Sutta, to study the Buddha’s teachings on attainment in Vimutti Sutta, and to study the attainment steps of  Bhikkhuṇi Pajāpati Gotami in Gotami Sutta. The study was conducted by the documentary research methodology and the descriptive analytics. The research result revealed that the attainment of Bhikkhuṇi Pajāpati Gotami in Gotami Sutta and Vimutti Sutta was a natural process, dependent upon the concentration (Samadhi), including observation to reach mental and intellectual development. Gotami Sutta was aimed at revising the value of the second rebirth, referred to the Buddhist rebirth that was a significant condition for the attainment in Buddhism. Vimutti Sutta was stressed upon observation and analysis of thoughts and mental feelings to comprehend and attain the nature in reality. The attainment like this assisted the practitioner exercise mental development, and stable among challenging surroundings. The revision of what was learned from concentration and observation assisted the practitioner understand the reality and find mental tranquility. As regards, the attainment of Bhikkhuṇi Pajāpati Gotami in Gatami Sutta and Vimutti Sutta was depended upon mental and intellectual concentration as a result from the natural self-training. Gotami Sutta made the trainee experience patience and realization; Vimutti Sutta, focusing on observation and analysis of thoughts and mental feelings, made him/her penetrate in the natural reality at the profound level, and keep more and more peaceful in his/her own daily life. Both Suttas helped the practitioner more stable against the environment and the living life. In summary, the people following such a mental development way like Bhikkhuṇi Pajāpati Gotami had got more opportunities to access Arahantship in Buddhism at a faster level because the mental tranquility and the reality comprehension would assist the trainee to enter the truth in Buddhism.    

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How to Cite
Ratanavanno พ. (2023). ARAHANTSHIP ATTAINMENT OF MAHAPAJAPATI GOTAMI IN GOTAMI SUTTA AND VIMUTTI SUTTA. Integrated Social Science Journal, 3(9), 85-94.
Academic Article


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