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This research aimed to (1) study the learning space of Mahamakut Buddhist University, Srilanchang Campus. (2) compared the learning space of of Mahamakut Buddhist University, Srilanchang Campus, classified by gender, student level, and major. The sample was 242 students of Mahamakut Buddhist University. The tool used in this process was a questionnaire with its reliability, analyzed by Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient, value of .88. The statistics used to analyzed the data were: frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and One Way ANOVA.
The research result found that (1) the learning space of Mahamakut Buddhist University, Srilanchang Campus, in overall and each aspects were at the moderate level. (2) Comparing the learning space of Mahamakut Buddhist University, Srilanchang Campus, classified by gender, student level, and major, were found that there was not difference.
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