
  • Siritana Boriboon Mahamakut Buddhist University Srithammasokkaraj Campus


Meditation, Critics, Behaviors


               Education was regarded as a basis of human development to create people with appropriate behavior. Most of students, especially secondary school students, were currently found with inappropriate behaviors such as not attending the class, lack of responsibilities, not doing assigned homework and class work, using communication devices in a wrong way, making quarrels, stealing, having sexual intercourse, telling a lie, and taking drugs. All their behaviors gave rise to severe damages, especially economic or social aspects, and it was an urgent issue to be further improved. The improvement of students’ inappropriate behavior by the Buddhist principle of meditation was regarded as a better way to change their undesirable behavior. There are several principles of meditation, depending upon each religion and sect. In Buddhism, there are forty ways of mental meditation and more appropriate insight development that the Buddha taught and recommended the people to choose an appropriate way for themselves. The proper meditation was believed to improve or develop the students’ undesirable behavior. For example, the meditation for self-healing was described to reduce stress, affecting a human’s body, feeling and mind. The meditation would make a person good-natured, calm, and relaxed. The given conscience would reduce the students’ bad behavior. The meditation-based learning was from the learner’s intention; he or she placed his/her mind closely to the study until their mind were concentrated into the learning process in terms of listening, thinking, speaking, and writing. The meditation was directly effective to their behavior. In summary, the meditation made people mindful whenever they thought, spoke, and acted, and it also inhibited people’s improper behavior, and influenced the students’ more efficient thinking and remembering.    


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How to Cite

Boriboon ส. (2021). MEDITATION: WITH SOLVING STUDENTS UNWANTED PROBLEMS. Srilangchang Research Journal, 1(2), 35-50.



Academic Article