Conflict, Local Administrative OrganizationAbstract
The objectives of the research were (1) to study factors related to conflicts in local administrative organizations (LAOs), Loei province, (2) to study the relationship between conflicts in LAOs, Loei province. The samples were local administrators of LAOs, Loei province, accounting for 160 presidents and chief administrators of sub-district administrative organizations (SAOs), calculated by Krejcie & Morgan’s sampling size table; the sampling size of eighty SAOs was calculated from 101 SAOs. The instrument used for data collection was the rating scale questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis consisted of percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Chi-square.
The research findings were as follows: (1) Factors related to conflicts in LAOs, Loei province, were found to be overall at a high level (x̄ = 4.10). Separately considered in the descending order, the benefit (x̄ = 4.47) and the information (x̄ = 4.47) were found to be at the highest level but the relation (x̄ = 3.89) was found to be at the lowest level. (2) The conflicts in LAOs, Loei province, from view-points of SAO presidents and chief administrators with different positions and educational levels, were found not to be related to the organizational conflicts of four aspects, but the conflicts from view-points of SAO presidents and chief administrators with different age were found to be related to the whole organizational conflicts of four aspects at a statistically significant level of 0.05.
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